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3 Best Drain Maintenance Practices

October 6, 2022

Drains are essential appliances that should be properly maintained weekly, seasonally, and even daily. Unfortunately, most people don't understand how important it is to maintain their drain, leading to leaks. In fact, according to the Statistics Database, around one in 10 homes in the United States suffers from leaks due to plumbing. Follow the three drain cleaning tips below to prevent sewage backup, damaged pipes, and leaks from affecting your home.

1. Avoid Throwing Certain Foods Down the Drain

One of the best ways to avoid future issues with your drain is to never allow certain foods down the drain. These foods include coffee grounds, peanut butter, rice, and grease or fat. In addition, you should never put raw meat down the drain. These foods can quickly harden or expand when thrown down the drain. When the food hardens, it causes a tough clog that can be difficult to flush out of your drain.

If you accidentally throw these foods down the drain, it's best to start drain cleaning right away with baking soda and vinegar. Mix one part vinegar with one part baking soda. Boil a pot of hot water and pour it down the drain with the baking soda and vinegar mix. This mixture will fizz and eliminate any food stuck in your drain.

2. Use Ice Cubes and Citrus Peels for Garbage Disposals

If you have a garbage disposal attached to your sink, throw a couple of ice cubes and a citrus peel into the drain and run the garbage disposal. The ice cubes will help sharpen the blades and eliminate any grease or food stuck on the blades. The citrus peels will give your kitchen a refreshing aroma. Do this at least weekly to help keep your garbage disposal blades clean and sharp.

3. Use Enzyme Drain Cleaners

Enzyme drain cleaners such as Drain-O shouldn't be used too often for drain cleaning. It's best to use a gentle enzymatic drain cleaner to get rid of stubborn clogs and eliminate odors. Enzymatic drain cleaners are needed once a month and in the event of emergency clogs, but call for professional help so the process is done correctly.

These drain cleaning tips can help keep your drain free of clogs and odors and prevent costly damage to your pipes. For extra stubborn clogs or leaks, it's best to seek the help of professional drain cleaners. Contact Drain Master today to learn more!

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